3577 New Getwell Road Memphis TN 38118

Public Auction at Devon Self Storage at 3577 New Getwell Road Memphis TN 38118. The Property contained in the units will be sold to satisfy the Owner’s lien for rent under the Tennessee Self Storage Facility Act.  Property contained in the units will be sold to the highest bidder via an online auction 3577 New Getwell Road Memphis, Tn 38118. Online bidding will begin on December 5, 2022, at 10:00 AM and will continue until December 19, 2022, at 10:00 AM Devon Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids.  Please refer to www.storagetreasures.com for all other terms and conditions governing the bidding and auction process.


PUBLISHED 11/30/2022


Unit Name Items
0282 Cedell Brownlee Piano 2 Speaker Amps Dishwasher Drum set Guitar furniture Boxes Tithes Box Tables Piano Organ
0310 Shuan Holmes Totes Box Mattress Deep Freezer Table Dresser Headboard household


Ulysee Woods Sewing Machine Old Gum ball Machine Oven Toaster Boxes Window Blinds Garden Tools Vacuum Antiques Ceiling Light Other
0392 Jameka Wickfall Electric fire place Mattress Pictures Chairs Boxes Household Furniture Other