Handle With Care: Tips for Storing Heirlooms & Antiques

Many times those things that are most precious to us are also the ones that are most delicate and fragile – family heirlooms that have been handed down over generations, treasured collectibles, valuable antiques. You want to give these things extra care when packing and storing because they are important and because they need it. First, check to see if there are limitations on what you can store at your chosen facility. Then, follow these guidelines to make sure you preserve your valuables for the next generation. 

Climate Control Is Critical

Temperature and humidity swings wreak havoc on all kinds of materials. The antique fabric in your quilt can turn to dust. The wood on your grandpa’s rocker can become brittle or rot. Your Spode dishes can crack. Your vinyl collection can warp. Finding a storage unit or space with controlled climate is the biggest key to keeping your valuables in great condition. Keep in mind that some storage facilities offer temperature control only, while others offer both temperature and humidity control. Be sure to know exactly what you are getting.   

Hands Off! 

Obviously you need to handle your valuables in order to pack them. Just remember that oils from your skin can affect many materials, particularly heirloom furniture. Take a cue from museum curators and wear soft gloves. It’s also a good idea to minimize the number of people who handle your items, both before and after packing. The fewer the touches, the less chance for drop or rough-handling damage. 

Wrap Wisely

If you really want to make sure your valuables last many generations, you need to go beyond an extra layer of Bubble Wrap. You need to think about the particular needs of each of your family heirlooms and precious items and wrap accordingly. Here are a few common materials that need special attention. 

Finally, it may sound obvious, but marking “fragile” and “this way up” on your boxes often gets overlooked in the shuffle of packing and moving. If you are using a moving company or having others help you store your things, place your wrapped valuables together and let everyone know that they need extra care, or that you will be handling them personally. 

For more expert storage advice, keep an eye on the Devon Self Storage blog.

10811 Coursey Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Public Auction at Devon Self Storage 10811 Coursey Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70816. The Property contained in the units will be sold to satisfy the Owner’s Lien for rent under the Louisiana Self Storage Facility Act.  Property contained in the units will be sold to the highest bidder via an online auction at www.storagetreasures.com.  Online bidding will begin on 02/03/25 at 10:00 A.M and will continue until 02/17/25 at 10:00 A.M.  Devon Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids.  Please refer to www.storagetreasures.com for all other terms and conditions governing the bidding and auction process.


Ad Post Date 2/4/25


Unit Customer Name Items
B 38 Tanya Pritchard Mattress, household goods, furniture, boxes
H 17 Dale Smithfield Furniture, boxes, antiques, mattress, misc.

Devon Self Storage- Store 9156- 175 Hidden Hill Road

Public Auction at Devon Self Storage at “175 Hidden Hill Rd.”  The Property contained in the units will be sold to satisfy the Owner’s lien for rent under the South Carolina Self-Service Storage Facility Act. Property contained in the units will be sold to the highest bidder via an online auction at www.storagetreasures.com. Online bidding will begin on February 3,2025 at 10 AM and will continue until February 17,2025at 10 AM. Devon Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids. Please refer to www.storagetreasures.com for all other terms and conditions governing the bidding and auction process. 

Published 1-7-2025 

Unit #  Customer Name  Items  
AA15  Devin Brooks  Golf clubs & bag, engine, tool boxes, tools, motor lift, motor stand, rolling stool, tool box cart, engine floor stands 
B2  Diangilos Jeter  Bed frame, shoes, clothes, totes, bags, boxes, lamp, mattress, faux plant, bicycle, art work, purses, laundry basket 
B8  Charlotte Rhodes  Refrigerator, shelves, boxes, bags, totes, end table, metal rack, lamps, antique Singer desk, books, magazines, shoes, Christmas decor  
B20  Anitra Dawkins  End tables, toddler bed frame & mattress, air fryer, Bluetooth speaker, totes, boxes, ceramic tiles 
E20  Charles Irby  Box fan, shoes, shoeboxes, floor lamp, fish tank, clothes, laundry basket, stuffed animals 
D19  Jetwan Baines  Trampoline, boxes, bicycles, end tables, bench, tv, living room suite, mattress, box springs, grill, pots, pans, area rugs, chair  
D36  Tarik Briggs  Clothes, shoes, bags, boxes, lamps, chairs, hampers, purses                                                                                 

3577 New Getwell Rd, Memphis, TN 38118

Public Auction at Devon Self Storage at 3577 New Getwell Rd, Memphis, TN 38118. The Property contained in the units will be sold to satisfy the Owner’s lien for rent under the Tennessee Self Storage Facility Act.  Property contained in the units will be sold to the highest bidder via an online auction at www.storagetreasures.com.  Online bidding will begin on January 14th, 2025, at 10 AM and will continue until January 28th, 2025, at 10 AM. Devon Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids.  Please refer to www.storagetreasures.com for all other terms and conditions governing the bidding and auction process.    


PUBLISHED 01/23/2025 


Unit  Name  Items 
442  Latarsha Cooperwood  Mattress, box springs, totes, clothes, furniture, boxes, bags, folding table, side dresser, toilet paper holder, dresser, recliner 
69  Peggy Moscon  Tractor, boxes, chairs, totes, broom, bike and tarp 
602   Terrence Henderson  Furniture, kid toys, bins, clothes, chair, stand, Carrio cabinet, couches, luggage, vacuum, lamp, table, flat screen, mirror and totes 
435  Barbara Armstead  Lawn care, mattress and box spring, clothes, furniture, boxes, vacuum, wheelbarrows (2), lawn chair, microwave, toolbox, fishing pools 
293  Tara Thompson  Washer, pictures, mirror, bins, glass and table, rug, lamp shade, totes, antique table 
262  Corey Washington  Water tank, DVD’s, Antique Home Decor, plastic, mirror, wall, scooter, toys, totes, boxes 
282  Sharon Smith  Pictures, boxes, chairs, bins, kitchen appliances, furniture, clothes, ladder, garbage can, vacuum 
41  Keena MCallister  Couches, dresser, bags, suitcase, boxes, home decor, mixer, rug, radio, stands, CPU, totes, fake flowers, saw 
89  Dedrick Woods  Household items 
350  Ulysee Woods  Type writer, gumball machine, boxes, wine rack, radiator, sewing machine, vacuum, bike, tools, chair, mirror, rim, end tables 
283  Bertha Buford  Bags, clothes, boxes, baby stuff, furniture, wall art, tires, laundry basket, rims, shoes, pet carrier, stroller, car seat, chairs, dishes, totes